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Louis’s Tale

A piece of mind after a long struggle!

I really wanted to have a pet and I couldn’t find the right furry friend.

One day, while leaving the pet store, black ears caught my attention; and that’s how I met Louis. Louis ended up choosing me actually. He has a very special character which eventually grew on the whole family; and they love to pamper him!

Since he was a puppy, however, he was a picky eater. He refused to eat kibble and would eat every 3 days. It was torture for me! I used to cook for him at home, mixing chicken with rice, but I knew I wasn’t giving him everything he needed in terms of nutritive components. I tried everything and, at one point, I was really down because I didn’t know what to do anymore!

I took him to the vet to see what was wrong, and I discovered he had a heart problem, which his breed normally has. I think his difficulties with food played a big role in that, his enlarged heart reaching Stage 4.

After that, I did extensive research on kibble and compared it to home-cooked meals. I directly decided to switch to PawPots 2 years ago. Ever since, I’ve never seen Louis get so excited at mealtime. He spends 10 minutes licking his empty bowl, making sure he didn’t miss anything.

When I went back to the vet a year later, he told me his heart was stabilized, his allergic reactions diminished, he no longer has digestive issues, his coat is soft and shiny, and he’s super happy and fulfilled.

I’ve seen humongous improvement with his health, and it was a leap of faith that I took after a long time of suffering and giving him lots of medication. I preach about PawPots to every pet owner I know! When you see your dog enjoying his food this much, it’s like a weight’s been lifted off your shoulders.

What PawPots brought me was peace of mind and a hassle-free meal for my pet. You get a 10/10 from us.

Give Back The Love

Show your love to your pets with our high-quality, delicious and healthy meals!
Give Back The Love

Show your love to your pets with our high-
quality, delicious and healthy meals!