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Transformation Stories

Bailey’s Tale

The transition to a new healthy lifestyle

When Bailey was a puppy, we realized he had a list of health problems! We really struggled until one day, one of our friends told us about PawPots. The transition was very smooth, and we could directly see the positive changes in him!

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Elvis & Zoe’s Tale

The road to a perfect weight

Elvis is a senior dog and he was overweight, we were trying hard to make him lose weight with no success. Zoe wasn’t eating well, and we worried she was malnourished. With PawPots, their weights were balanced and they were healthier t...

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Louis’s Tale

A piece of mind after a long struggle!

Louis has a lot of health issues. From his enlarged heart and picky eating, to his digestive issues and allergies… it was very tiring. I switched to PawPots 2 years ago, and I’ve never seen Louis get so excited at mealtime.

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Poopy & Luna’s Tale

A discovery that changed their lives

Poopy’s health issues include a very sensitive stomach. Finding the right food for him was a huge hassle. That’s when we discovered PawPots! First off, both cats loved the food! Luna lost weight and it was really good for Poopy.

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Give Back The Love

Show your love to your pets with our high-
quality, delicious and healthy meals!